
魂牽夢縈....18 歲

發信人: BillGates (比蓋 魂牽夢縈'18), 信區: 586041

標 題: 魂牽夢縈....18 歲 (轉載)

發信站: 楓 城 (Thu Nov 2 14:04:15 2000) , 站內信件

開始學會讓自己不依賴 Network...

開始學會讓自己不去想她 ...

18 歲的最後一個月...

還是我最喜歡的那句話 - Final Reality !

比蓋 魂牽夢縈 '18

Nov 2, 2000


● The Farest Instance in the world is not having to choose between life

and death. It's being in front of you and not being able to love you.


QQ.asm → 妳願意與我一起 設計 [愛的語言] 嗎?
